Monday, June 13, 2016



The view from the pediatric ward on the 18th floor of Massachusetts General Hospital is spectacular. I spent a lot of time contemplating it last week and drinking tea from a paper cup and writing a letter to a friend while Amy slept. It was her fourth hospitalization in twelve months. Sometimes my life doesn't seem real even to me. So I almost understand when people make insensitive remarks. I can only say that I wish I were making up my circumstances "for attention" rather than living them. I really do. Because, on a single day last week my washing machine died, my brother-in-law Joe had a heart attack, and Amy had to be rushed to the hospital (for the second time in a week). But, I am thankful, because even though the unemployment has run out the washing machine can be replaced, my brother-in-law's surgery went well, and my Amy is back home. That is enough. Yet even so, the roses are blooming, the weather is blessedly mild and cool, and God put a rainbow right over our house.
While I was in the hospital with Amy, I was thinking about my very early childhood and playing in the back garden of the house in which I grew up. I think I've written before about that house and its ghosts, but I'm not sure if I've ever written about the wonderful old back garden with it's cherry, pear, and sassafras trees, the pussy willow bush, the big, shady Norway maple (who was such a good friend to me), and all of the sweet flowers where the fairies hid: crocuses, jonquils, white bluebells, tulips, forget-me-nots, and wild phlox. My parents did not care for gardening, so there were weeds aplenty, including deadly nightshade with dainty purple flowers and bright red berries. As a very little girl, I loved the nightshade best of all. But, my mother sternly warned me not to eat any part of that plant, as it was highly poisonous. So, I never did. Not even when my cousin taunted and dared me. I believed my mother and trusted her with my whole heart.

Adam and Eve, the first man and first woman--the every man and every woman--lived in the Presence of Love, and chose to believe a liar and a lie. It poisons our very souls.

In the past few years, the circumstances of my life have changed in profound ways, and there was nothing I could do about any of it. I had no choice at all. The culture chirps a lot about choice, as if the point of free will is about your career, your health club, your car, or your handbag. But, I have come to understand that free will was given to us to answer one question only: Who will you follow: Love or Evil?

"I call heaven and earth today to witness against you: I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose life, then, that you and your descendants may live, by loving the LORD, your God, obeying his voice, and holding fast to him."   Deuteronomy 30:19&20

Choose life!


  1. You got it, Susan! But I am sorry about poor Amy.

    1. Lisa, you are such an example to me in the faith--a true friend and sister in Christ.♥

  2. Yes, you've got it. I'm sorry to hear about Amy and everything else that's been going on around you. I hold to Colossians 3:2 ~ and that I'm just passing through all the mess around me, on my way to a better place! And, He is with me and will see me through it all.
    Keeping you in prayer ♥

    1. Anne, thank you for praying for me an my family.♥ I've been holding onto 2 Corinthians 4:7-11 for a couple of years now:
      "We are afflicted in every way, but not constrained; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our body. For we who live are constantly being given up to death for the sake of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may be manifested in our mortal flesh."

  3. I can't understand who would ever say such things to the mother of a sick child. How sad their hearts must be. A multitude of loving (((hugs))) to you and Amy, dearest Susan. I am so very sorry for your ongoing struggles. Thank God your brother-in-law is okay, and that Amy is home again. I hope very much the doctors are able to help her. It makes me want to cry to see her in that hospital bed - I imagine you feel a billion times worse, looking at it. Do you have good support for yourself? Are you eating well and staying strong? Sympathy and more sympathy to you. xx

    1. Thank you, Sarah, for your friendship and your kind thoughts.♥ Unfortunately, some people say things without thinking. I don't believe their hearts are particularly sad, but I do think that their eyes are blind. I can't really blame the person who hurt me; my life does seem unbelievable! But, I am very fortunate to be surrounded and supported by much love and many prayers.

  4. I am so sorry for all the heartache. Your words are an inspiration. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Lisa.♥ I have been told that I am a very private person; it's hard for me to know sometimes how much to share, especially on the internet.

  5. People say stupid things and most of the time they are NOT thinking. Honestly, don't listen to them - I have been praying for your daughter and you and for a job to show up. I hope my prayers are answered soon. I am an email away if you want to rant and scream or have a safe place to vent.

    1. Karen, I count you as a personal friend, even though we haven't actually met (yet!). Thank you for being there for me and for your constant prayers. ♥

  6. I second Karen Susan. I have been praying for you, always, and I too am just an email away. If you want call me...843-846-8060 and we can talk whenever you need to talk.
    Life is so totally unpredictable and I just have faith that HE will keep watch. It's been four months today since my MIL passed away and life is still a crazy mess, but I am not going to focus on any of it and only see the good!
    Much love my dear friend.

    1. Tracey, over the past year I have thought of you so often--I know things have been tough for your family, too. I pray for you daily. The verse that has comforted me the most in the last few months is:
      "The eyes of the Lord are upon those who love Him"...yes, He will keep watch.♥ It is so kind of you to share your phone number with me. I am so shy that I don't think I can actually use it, but you never know!

  7. There are so, so many blessings in the everyday. Roses and Rainbows hold such promises. I don't know why God allows such trials, but I know there is a reason for every single thing. You're in my prayers. Hope Amy is a little better today. (Oooooooh! I remember those windowsills!) XOXOXO

    1. There are so, so many blessings in the everyday, and YOU--your friendship and letters--are one of them.♥

  8. My dearest I look at your beautiful pictures it brings happy memories for me. However; once I saw Amy in the hospital, my heart weeps for you and all you are experiencing. The good Lord is with you and if you need to talk I'm here for you.
    Please know I keep you, Amy and your family in my prayers!!!

  9. Hi dear Susan... you have an all-understanding, all compassionate all powerful Heavenly Father that is well aware of your circumstances. There are things that we'd never get to understand about God, and His purposes for our lives while we remain on this earth, but the day will come when all will be revealed, when all our pain and sorrows will be washed away in the loving arms of our Savior... that day is coming. Is coming soon. Hang in there... hang in faith. Live in faith. That's all He asks from us. I am glad I was moved to stop here. Look up my friend... I see blessed light coming down.


    1. Dear Cielo, I've only just "met" you here in the inter-world, but am convinced that you are an angel. At least you are to me. ♥ Thank you for you kind heart.

  10. Oh, Susan. My heart fell to see the picture of Amy. I pray that whatever is ailing her will leave her alone. I did not know you all we having employment concerns. I pray something will turn up very soon! I know how hard that is--we only got unemployment benefits one time. You are such a dear, kind, wise person. I wish you brighter days.


    1. Thank you, Brandy. Yes, things have been very difficult here for the last year. It's hard to know how much to share with people in this space. I am grateful for your friendship and your prayers.♥

  11. I don't know why people have to say such thoughtless things. It makes no sense to me. It is heartening to see that you are able to see the blessings around you despite your difficult circumstances Susan. Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts, and I wish you all a more peaceful happier time ahead. x

    1. Thank you, Kim, for your kind comment and good thoughts.♥
