Tuesday, March 4, 2014

We went back to the animal shelter to get the cat I'd fallen in love with, and she'd been adopted earlier that day, which made me very happy.♥

It really is okay, because I've fallen in love with someone else: Leo Tolstoy. The first hundred pages of War and Peace were a challenge for me, but I am so glad that I stuck with it; I am totally enthralled with this story--I am even dreaming about it when I sleep! I woke up this morning surprised that I was not at Otradnoye, that it was not Christmas, that the year was not 1809. I am a very slow (i.e. careful) reader; it has taken me three weeks to read six hundred pages (about half the book), but I don't want to rush through it. In fact, last night I was thinking: I might be happy reading War and Peace forever. When I finish, I want to begin another translation. I am currently reading Anthony Briggs', but I would like to read the Maude's, and also Peaver and Volokhonsky's. I have a great, long list of books that I had planned to read this year, and suddenly there is only War and Peace.

Tomorrow begins the Great Fast, and although I do not plan on abstaining from the internet, I expect that I will spend less time here over the coming weeks. For one thing, I need to get outside. My body feels sun-starved, you know? For another, I feel like I don't have anything interesting to say. These last few weeks of winter are the toughest of the year for me. I limp through them (literally). I saw my doctor yesterday and besides running a bunch of tests, she is sending me to a rheumatologist, which makes me feel old.


  1. This winter has been especially hard hasn't it? You are NOT old, it's the prime of life :)
    I have never read War and Peace, but you have made me want to so thank you. I think I have a copy on one of the shelves around here.
    I'm glad the cat found a good home, I was wondering.
    Yes, pancakes tonight and the Great Fast tomorrow, I'm ready.

  2. I'm so happy for the cat :)

    I hope your doctor brings you good news. And that you get the sun you desire. There's plenty of it here!

  3. I fell in love with Tolstoy (and Russia) last year when I Read Anna Karenina, so I know exactly what you mean when you say you've even been dreaming about the story. A note about your reading "pace"... many bloggers I know set W&P up as a year-long read-a-long last year, so three weeks for 600 pages is lightning speed from a different perspective. ;-)

    And hooray for the adopted cat!

  4. Hot and sunny here!

    I will put War and Peace on my ever lengthening book list.

    I finished reading The Tie That Binds by Kent Haruf this morning. I'm glad I persevered. Quite a sad book, but then life can be like that. Might search out the library for another of his books.

    Have a good day...and enjoy some sunshine :)

    PS - have you had your Vit D levels checked? Mine get very low over winter here and I usually go on a supplement for the winter months.


  5. I've also been feeling sun-starved (for quite a while), but it's still so wintery out. I hope your arthritis isn't severe, and will improve in the warm weather.

  6. I have RA so if you want to pm me questions fire away. I've been on meds for more than 14 years and live a near normal life :) Love your table, so pretty, makes me want to spruce up my home. I read Anna Karenina many years ago but not W and P. My daughter just finished it and said I should read it....maybe maybe. She is also nagging me to read some Hemmingway....Oh well. Take care of yourself. I'm sorry your cat was adopted out but happy your cat was adopted out.

  7. Oh gosh, I hope you don't have arthritis Susan. I have War and Peace on the book shelf and have wanted to read it for a long time. I've always been a little scared by the size. You've encouraged me to have a go.
    Your rabbit is so cute...we used to let ours sit in the house with us when we were little, I would spend hours reading to fluffy.

  8. Sending well wishes to you, and grace as you move through testing. I, too, hope that RA is not part of your life, although it's good to know it's manageable. Right with you on feeling the aging process. One night my husband I had a dinner conversation that covered foot pain, podiatrist appointments and mole checks. OMG... once we realized what had happened we roared with laughter... and banned medical talk from the table. Love your sweet sunny bunny, tea cup and tulips!

  9. I hope everything is alright, or soon fixed! Congratulations on your new friend!

  10. Well be both know you are not old..because I'm older than you. However, this winter has been brutal on all of us and just trying to get outside is a chore in itself. Spring is coming and you will feel so much better then. Glad your enjoying your book..I know you were struggling in the beginning. Miss ya
